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Submit Interest by April 12: Community Invited to Join PDX 2045 Planning Advisory Committee 

The Port of Portland is seeking community members in Oregon and Southwest Washington to join a committee to advise the PDX 2045 project. The project will update the airport’s master plan to enhance travel, trade and economic development and help guide the next 20 years at PDX.  

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) will be made up of about 25 members representing PDX workers, community members and groups, business owners, frequent travelers, and aviation enthusiasts to offer their lived experience and personal lens to advise on PDX 2045.  

Members of the committee will be asked to help inform impactful decisions and raise awareness that will help the plan represent the needs of all of our stakeholders. Our goal for the PAC is to gather a group of people with a robust range of perspectives, including: 

  • Diverse lived experiences, including race, gender, age, language, veteran status, housing type, sexual orientation, national origin, those living with disabilities, of various incomes and levels of education 
  • Interest in aviation, sustainability, transportation, housing, economic and/or workforce development 
  • PDX employees and travelers, representing local residents and businesses 

Committee members will participate in up to 12 meetings of 2-3 hours in length between May 2024 and fall 2025, and may also be invited to additional presentations, trainings, and tours. Meetings will initially be at Port of Portland Headquarters near PDX. With input from PAC members, the team may arrange for future meetings at other locations. While we are prioritizing in-person participation, we also expect to accommodate people joining meetings virtually. Accommodations will also be available for PAC members who need assistance to participate, including translation services and stipends.  

Community members can express interest in joining at now through April 12, 2024.  


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