Vendors & Contractors

Are you interested in doing business with the Port? Here’s how.

Vendors & Contractors

Are you interested in doing business with the Port? Here’s how.

Business with the Port of Portland

Doing Business with the Port

Business Opportunities

Find out about current and future bid or proposal opportunities in PlanetBids, and learn more about our Small Business Development Program. We’ve made every effort to make all aspects of the contracting process as easy, secure and reliable as possible. All technical assistance is provided by PlanetBids.


Construction Contracts

A list of future Port of Portland construction contracts and tentative scheduling is provided by the Port´s Engineering Department. Please check back regularly for calendar revisions and updates, which are made quarterly.

Future Construction Contracts - Schedule 

Construction Contracts
Tenant Improvement Process

Tenant Improvement Process

The Tenant Improvement Process is designed to:

  • Assist tenants with their contractual requirements
  • Minimize tenant design expense
  • Ensure smooth and timely construction

Learn more.

Project Design and Construction

Our Master specifications and design standards are intended to provide information and resources to architectural/engineering consultants on design projects for the Port or our tenants.

Learn more.

Master Specifications and Design Standards
Security Badging

Security Badging

Do you have questions about security badges at PDX? Learn more about how to apply and get your questions answered. 

Learn more.

Make a payment

We offer customers and contractors a quick and easy way to make online payments for landing fees, records request payments and film permits.

Pay Your Bill Online

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